Nominee: Seascape Category - 4th Fine Art Photography Awards
honorable mention in Fine Art: Landscape Category - ND Awards 2017
Sea Stacks of Drangarnir, my absolute favorite location and picture from our trip to the Faroe Islands in summer 2017.
We reached this magical place after a 2h hike, stayed for about 4h and luckily had the whole scenery to ourself, just enjoying nature and doing photography.
The strong current between two rocks, together with a Big Stopper (10 Stop Neutral Density Filter) offered me an optimal foreground, to put this powerful and marvelous stone arch in scene.
making of
5D Mark III, EF 16-35mm f/2.8L
18mm | f6.3 | 170s | ISO 100
Vágar - Faroe Islands
Also take a look to the other four pictures of the awarded series "mystic island" ↓